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Volunteers are the Heart of Our Organization
What can I do?
You can make a difference in our community and in the lives of others by sharing your time and talents. As a volunteer with Domestic Violence Project, your help supports the goals of the agency, which are to provide a 24-hour hotline, safe shelter, counseling, case management, legal advocacy, childcare, and prevention education to domestic violence victims and their children. Your volunteer hours will help victims escape the cycle of violence and prevent future family violence. One kind heart will help the hearts of others! Please peruse the Volunteer Opportunities Sheet that is listed above to for more specific information.
Volunteer Needs:
- Help with upcoming Fundraisers
- Arrange a Needs Drive through your church or organization. This can include Food, Personal Care items, or Cell Phone collections. (See our Needs List on this website)
- Help with grounds work, weeding, planting, etc.
- Help with maintenance jobs.
- Help at a Health or Informational Fair by tending a booth or table with information about DVPI.
- Organize a fundraiser on our behalf with your company, organization or church.
Please note that if you volunteer inside any DVPI building or as a Health & Info Fair attendant, a background check will be completed at a cost to you of $13. If you have any direct contact with children, an FBI/BCI background check with fingerprinting will be completed ($13 your cost with DVPI covering the rest). Thank you for assisting with this. We appreciate your willingness to volunteer!
Areas where you can help:
- Child Care
- Shelter Assistance
- Special Projects/Service Projects
- Office Assistance
- Information Booths
Fundraisers and Events
- Hearts with Hope Dinner and Auction
- Running4Hope
- Putting for Hope
- Walk a Mile in Her Shoes
- Take Back the Night
- Board Opportunities
For More Information Call 330-445-2005 Or
E-mail us:
Shelter Assistance
You might assist staff in the evenings, or organize and sort donations throughout the week. The opportunity exists to assist with outings for the mothers and children.
Child Care
This is primarily a need in the evenings when the mothers have group education or other obligations. The shelter has a wonderful playroom where the children are entertained. Training and background checks are required before participating in Child Care.
Special Projects/Service Projects
You could help us by collecting items from our needs list, either individually or in collaboration with a group to which you belong. We can use assistance making holidays special with gift bags and/or small projects for our clients.
Office Assistance
Our administrative staff is frequently in need of help with filing, organizing and cleaning out to accommodate the voluminous reporting for funding sources.
Information Booths
We frequently present displays at public events where domestic violence information, along with information about our agency is presented. We sometimes have opportunities to sell items in support of our programs at these events. Volunteers are always needed to help make our presence at this type of event possible.
We have a beautiful facility with wonderful grounds which are always in need of those with a green thumb. Just like at your house, we have to pull weeds in the spring and summer, and we like to plant flowers every spring. Also, every other year, we need to mulch the garden beds.
Board Opportunities
Our board members serve three-year terms with a maximum of two terms in a row. Board meetings are held monthly on the fourth Wednesday at noon at the agency. Board members are also expected to serve on committees and assist with agency fundraisers. We also have an advisory board that assists with special projects for the agency. For more information about these opportunities, call 330-445-2000 ext 240.
For Shelter Assistance Call
DVP Inc 24-Hour Hotline 330-453-SAFE (7233)
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